1. Lavender

From the botanical family: Labiatae

Lavender is a universal oil that has been traditionally known to balance the body and to work wherever there is a need. It calms the nervous system, and reduces anxiety.

Need help sleeping? Rub some lavender behind your ears. When in doubt, use Young Living lavender!

2. Tea-Tree

From the botanical family: Myrtle

Tea Tree has been used for centuries by the aboriginals to heal cuts, wounds and skin infections. With 12x the antiseptic power of phenol, it has some strong immune-building properties.

Scrape your knee? Apply a drop of pure Young Living tea tree oil.

3. Peppermint

From the botanical family: Mint

It is purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind and helps alleviate headaches and reduce fever. It can also help with the digestive, nervous and respiratory system.

Add a drop of young living peppermint essential oil to the Vita Flex Points or points of concern. Take a deep breath and inhale the oil.

4. Frankincense

From the botanical family: Resinous Trees & Shrubs

Frankinscense is a holy oil in the Middle East. As as ingredient in the holy incense, it was used anciently during sacrificial ceremonies to help improve communication with the Creator. This oil may help deepen spiritual awareness beyond the ability of other herbal aids. It has also been known to help treat depression and asthma.

Use topically to assist in alleviation of superficial and epidermis sores or wounds. Dab a bit of young living essential oil on your finger and apply topically on your wound. Also, enjoy the fragrance to relax your mind.

5. Eucalyptus

from the botanical family- Myrtle shrubs and trees

Eucalyptus helps us to deepen our breathing and promote health, well-being, purification and healing.

Apply a few drops to your diffuser to aid in purification of the lungs and respiratory system. Rub a few drops of young living essential oil to your chest and inhale deeply.

My most trusted essential oil brand is Young Living. Each oil is genuine — free from harmful synthetics with unmatched purity. They are the purest essential oil products on the planet!

For more information about how to purchase Young Living Essential Oil products please fill out the form below.

Abigail Brown